Arty Learning Parents Portal is a one stop portal for Arty Learning’s parents to access all about their activities with Arty Learning. Course: indicating course registered/enrolled, statusAttendance: indicating status and date of lesson, as well as course attending.Videos & Pictures: Pictures and Videos of Child in Individual Lesson Folder (shows what the child is doing in lessons, what the child is able to achieve or needs to work on in that lesson)Invoice: Lesson invoice and status of payment Misc. Invoice: Deposit invoice and status of payment, as well as other misc itemsPayment History: Details of payment made for InvoiceSibling Student: Able to link siblings on appReplacement Class: Request for replacement, etcChange Class: Waitlist for other slotsTransfer Request: For transfer of branchNote: Download and use of Arty Learning Parents Portal is free of charge and is for Arty Learning Students only.